
  • Jhunjhunwala P, Kishor A, Burela RG, Singh R, Gupta A. Finite element analysis and topology optimization of Ti-6Al-4Vhip implant fabricated by laser powder bed fusion process. “Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering.” 2022; doi:10.1177/09544089221144189
  • Kishor A, Burela RG, Gupta A. Detailed design and analysis for additive manufacturing of topologically optimized and generatively designed Ti-6Al-4V Hip Joint Implant. "International Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering." 2023; doi:10.1615/intjmultcompeng.2023050152.

  • Kanwer Arora, Rajnish Kumar, Dinesh Shukla, Ankit Gupta, Abhishek Kishor, Mayur Pratap. Experimental and numerical characterization of fracture behaviors of API X80 pipeline steel weldments for different heat inputs. "Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics" "Under Review"

  • Abhishek Kishor, Adit Negi, Ankit Gupta. Compression Torsion Conversion Metamaterials: Generative Design, Fabrication, and Performance Optimization. "Thin-Wall Structures." “Under Submission”.

  • A Kishor, A Gupta. An apparatus to evaluate the rotational properties of a metamaterial. Indian Patent: 202411043290.

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